Update: Since writing this post, I've moved the blog to Blogger. Turns out, I'm not fond of system administration. Besides, Blogger has shiny gadgets, widgets and whatnots.
So I decided to try this newfangled blogging thing that everyone is talking about. Maybe it's not just a fad after all. At this adoption rate expect me to start using twitter in about five years. ;)
In good internet tradition the first post is completely self-referential, describing what software I used to set this blog up.
Calling svn in a subprocess and symlinking to site-packages is pretty kludgy. Normally those repository URLs belong in the requirements.txt file. But basic-apps and django-trackback were missing setup.py files when I checked out the source. Maybe pip has a way to deal with that. Maybe I'll get around to look for this in the docs some day.
Speaking of pip, here's how my requirements.txt file looks like. I use rope for code completion in vim. Along the same line, ipython, django-extensions and Werkzeug are useful for development and debugging, but not really neccessary for running the blog.
Here's my urls.py
I wrote three little view functions of my own, but didn't bother creating an app for them. One is a primitive archive page, the second is a list of all lexers that pygments has installed and the last one is /dev/random. It will return either 4 or NINE NINE NINE NINE NINE NINE. I've linked to stackoverflow so you can see that I even stole that idea somewhere. But at least I improved it by adding the second value. It's actually using the python random module making it a true random device. ;)
For now I can only receive trackbacks/pingbacks, not send them. And I haven't really tried that, so it probably doesn't work either. I'll worry about that later, when there is some evidence that someone is actually reading this blog. The same strategy will be used for dealing with comment spam. ;)
Yeah, I kinda got lazy in the end. ;) Anyway, that's it. Let's see whether I can come up with something more interesting for the next post.
So I decided to try this newfangled blogging thing that everyone is talking about. Maybe it's not just a fad after all. At this adoption rate expect me to start using twitter in about five years. ;)
In good internet tradition the first post is completely self-referential, describing what software I used to set this blog up.
One of the coolest features of the Django framework is its support for reusable applications. The concept of a generic foreign key is crucial for this to work, as well as some conventions like naming url patterns and adding a parameter for template names to view functions. By using some existing reusable apps, I was able to create this blog in a short amount of time while still having more flexibility for modification and extension than using a shrink-wrapped blog app like wordpress would provide. It seems to be a rite of passage for django programmers to write their own blog. I find the idea of doing that to be boring and pointless. Luckily, there's basic-apps. Since there are so many blogs built with Django out there I stole everything that seemed useful from them, like syntax highlighting and the help text for comment formatting.- Python
- virtualenv
- pip
- Django
- blog from basic-apps
- django-trackback
- django-extensions
- pygments
- layout from http://www.freelayouts.com/template/Keep-it-Simple?preview=true
- misc other tools
Development and deployment
Using virtualenv I created a bootstrap script with an after_install function that installs pip and fetches some code from svn repositories.import os, subprocess def after_install(options, home_dir): subprocess.call([join(home_dir, 'bin', 'easy_install'), 'pip']) src = join(home_dir, 'src') if not os.path.exists(src): os.makedirs(src) curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir('src') subprocess.call(['svn', 'co', 'http://django-basic-apps.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/', 'basic']) subprocess.call(['svn', 'co', 'http://django-trackback.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/', 'django-trackback']) os.chdir(curdir) target = join(curdir, 'src', 'basic') link = join(curdir, 'lib', 'python2.5', 'site-packages', 'basic') os.symlink(target, link) target = join(curdir, 'src', 'django-trackback', 'trackback') link = join(curdir, 'lib', 'python2.5', 'site-packages', 'trackback') os.symlink(target, link)
Calling svn in a subprocess and symlinking to site-packages is pretty kludgy. Normally those repository URLs belong in the requirements.txt file. But basic-apps and django-trackback were missing setup.py files when I checked out the source. Maybe pip has a way to deal with that. Maybe I'll get around to look for this in the docs some day.
Speaking of pip, here's how my requirements.txt file looks like. I use rope for code completion in vim. Along the same line, ipython, django-extensions and Werkzeug are useful for development and debugging, but not really neccessary for running the blog.
flupAfter creating those files I created a virtualenv and ran pip to install the requirements.
-e svn+http://django-tagging.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/#egg=django-tagging
-e svn+http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/trunk/#egg=django-trunk
-e git+git://github.com/django-extensions/django-extensions.git#egg=django-extensions
$ mkdir myblog && cd myblog
$ python myblog-boot.py --no-site-packages .
$ source bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Django project
To glue all this goodness together I performed the following steps.- Create django project
- Edit settings.py, add to INSTALLED_APPS
$ django-admin startproject myblog
'django.contrib.admin',<br />'django.contrib.markup',<br />'django.contrib.comments',<br />'django_extensions',<br />'tagging',<br />'basic.inlines',<br />'basic.blog',<br />'trackback',<br />
- Run python manage.py syncdb
- Create urls.py
- Copy templates from basic blog and modify them
- Enable syntax highlighting, see http://www.codekoala.com/blog/2008/syntax-highlighting-rest-pygments-and-django/
- Add comment help text, ripped from http://commandline.org.uk/
Here's my urls.py
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # vim: set fileencoding: utf-8 from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from django.contrib import admin from basic.blog import views as blog_views from basic.blog.feeds import BlogPostsFeed from basic.blog.feeds import BlogPostsByCategory from feeds import AllCommentsFeed from feeds import AtomAllCommentsFeed from feeds import AtomBlogPostsFeed from feeds import AtomBlogPostsByCategory from feeds import AtomCommentsForEntryFeed from feeds import CommentsForEntryFeed import views admin.autodiscover() rss_feeds = { 'entries': BlogPostsFeed, 'full-entries': BlogPostsFeed, 'categories': BlogPostsByCategory, 'entry-comments': CommentsForEntryFeed, 'comments': AllCommentsFeed, } atom_feeds = { 'entries': AtomBlogPostsFeed, 'full-entries': AtomBlogPostsFeed, 'categories': AtomBlogPostsByCategory, 'entry-comments': AtomCommentsForEntryFeed, 'comments': AtomAllCommentsFeed, } urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^(?P\d{4})/(?P \w{3})/(?P \d{1,2})/(?P [-\w]+)/$', view=blog_views.post_detail, name='blog_detail'), url(r'^(?P \d{4})/(?P \w{3})/(?P \d{1,2})/$', view=blog_views.post_archive_day, name='blog_archive_day'), url(r'^(?P \d{4})/(?P \w{3})/$', view=blog_views.post_archive_month, name='blog_archive_month'), url(r'^(?P \d{4})/$', view=blog_views.post_archive_year, name='blog_archive_year'), url('^$', view=blog_views.post_list, name='blog_index'), url('^archive/$', view=views.archive_list, name='archive_list'), url(r'^categories/(?P [-\w]+)/$', view=blog_views.category_detail, name='blog_category_detail'), url (r'^categories/$', view=blog_views.category_list, name='blog_category_list'), url (r'^search/$', view=blog_views.search, name='blog_search'), url(r'^page/(?P \w)/$', view=blog_views.post_list, name='blog_index_paginated'), url(r'^ping/', include('trackback.urls')), (r'^rss/(?P .*)/$', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.feed', {'feed_dict': rss_feeds}), (r'^atom/(?P .*)/$', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.feed', {'feed_dict': atom_feeds}), (r'^comments/', include('django.contrib.comments.urls')), (r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')), (r'^admin/(.*)', admin.site.root), (r'^dev/random/$', views.randomize), (r'^pygments_lexers/$', views.pygments_lexers), )
I wrote three little view functions of my own, but didn't bother creating an app for them. One is a primitive archive page, the second is a list of all lexers that pygments has installed and the last one is /dev/random. It will return either 4 or NINE NINE NINE NINE NINE NINE. I've linked to stackoverflow so you can see that I even stole that idea somewhere. But at least I improved it by adding the second value. It's actually using the python random module making it a true random device. ;)
For now I can only receive trackbacks/pingbacks, not send them. And I haven't really tried that, so it probably doesn't work either. I'll worry about that later, when there is some evidence that someone is actually reading this blog. The same strategy will be used for dealing with comment spam. ;)
Webserver Configuration
TODO:Yeah, I kinda got lazy in the end. ;) Anyway, that's it. Let's see whether I can come up with something more interesting for the next post.
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